Basic Configuration

Basic configuration options for the peuren_burglary resource

API Keys

This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_apikeys.lua.

ApiKeys = {
    Enabled = true, -- Send logs to the given Discord Webhook
    JobLogs = "", --Your Discord Webhook for newly created jobs
    LootLogs = "", --Your Discord Webhook for acquired loot from the burglaries

Looting minigame images

This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

This is the path of your item images. If the inventory you're using doesn't use images you can create a new folder inside any resource and place the images in there. Just be sure to add the image files to the files in fxmanifest.lua of the resource.

Config.UIImageSource = "ox_inventory/web/images"--Path of your inventory item images, examples:
    --QBCore: qb-inventory/html/images
    --Ox: ox_inventory/web/images


This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Dispatch = {
    enabled = true, --Send alert to police
    dispatch_code = '10-90', -- Dispatch code added to the message.
    message = 'Burglary in progress', -- Dispatch message.
    color = 2, -- Blip Color, more info:
    sprite = 500, -- Blip Sprite, more info:
    scale = 1.0, -- Blip Scale
    time = 300, -- Blip Seconds Visible in seconds.
    delay = 5, -- Dispatch delay after first interaction in seconds.

Police Jobs

This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Jobs = { 
    policeRequired = 0,--How many police officer have to be on, to get a job 
    policeJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff', 'bcso', }, --Police job names
    enabled = true,--If this is set to true, then it will enable a time frame in which you need to find a given house and break into it
    timeToFind = { min = 10, sec = 0 },--How much time you have to find a given house and break into it
    decreaseRepOnExpiredTime = { min = 1, max = 2 },--How much reputation does a player loose on failing to find the given house ant breaking into it
    resetTime = { min = 20, sec = 30}--How much time does it have to pass after the alarm goes off to delete the house


This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Kicking = {
    enabled = true,--Is kicking option enabled
    kickingTime = 5000,--Progress bar time in ms
    chance = 20,--Chance of kicking the door open
    cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 0 }--How much does a player need to wait before kicking again


This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Hacking = {
    requiredItem = 'electronickit',--Item used to hack the alarm inside the house
    hackingTime = 5000,--Progress bar time in ms
    chance = 50--Chance of breaking the hacking device item when failed to hack the security system


This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Lockpicking = {
    requiredItem = 'lockpick',--Item used to lockpick the entrance door
    chance = 50--Chance of breaking the lockpick item when failed to lockpick the entrance door


This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Alarm = {
    play = { min = 2, sec = 20 }, --How much time does players have to disable security system before it starts to go off
    cooldown = { min = 5, sec = 30 }, --How much time does players have before the alarm goes off and calls the police
    sendWarning = { min = 0, sec = 30 },--This will send a warning every set min and sec how much time is left till the alarm goes off
    warns = {
        hacked = true,--Send warnings how much time is left after hacking the alarm system
        notHacked = true,--Send warnings how much time is left when the alarm system is not yet been hacked

House Blip

This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.HouseLocationBlip = {
    sprite = 40,--Blip icon id
    color = 1,--Blip color id
    scale = 1.5,--Blip scale
    radius = {
        enabled = false,--If radius is enabled, players will have to find a house in that radius, otherwise it will add a blip directly on the house
        sprite = 9,--Radius id
        color = 1,--Radius color id
        offsets = math.random(-170.0, 170.0),--Radius offset,
        radius = 250--Radius size,

Last updated