
Guide for editing or adding additional dealers to the resource

Editing the pre-configured dealers

This file can be located in peuren_chopshop\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Dealers = {
    ['basic'] = {
        GlobalCooldown = { min = 20, sec = 5 },--Dealers cooldown, if don't need this, make it to false, GlobalCooldown = false
        PersonalCooldown = { min = 25, sec = 10 },--Your personal cooldown with the dealer, if don't need this, make it to false, GlobalCooldown = false

        Dealer = {
            name = 'Basic dealer',--Dealers name
            model = 'cs_chengsr',--Dealers ped model, model names can be found @
            pos = vector3(215.9, -1862.06, 29.90),--Dealers positions
            heading = 43.06,--Dealers heading
            animation = {--This controls dealer animation, if you don't want this, make it to: animation = false
                --Supported anim data format:
                    -- anim = ''
                    -- dict = ''
                    -- scenario = ''
                    -- anim = 'missexile3'
                    -- dict = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael'
                scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING'

        AvailableVehicleClasses = {
            ['B'] = 0,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['A'] = 40,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['S'] = 70,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required

        RequiredItems = {--Items that are required to get a new job, if you don't need this feature just set it to: RequiredItems = false
            ['WEAPON_DIGISCANNER'] = 1,--[item name] = amount

        RequiredRep = {
            ["basic"] = 0,--How much reputation level you need have with this dealer so basic dealer becomes available           

Adding new dealers

This file can be located in peuren_chopshop\shared\sh_main.lua.

You can create additional dealers by following this template and adding them inside the Config.Dealers

New Dealer Template

["newdealername"] = {
        GlobalCooldown = { min = 20, sec = 5 },--Dealers cooldown
        PersonalCooldown = { min = 25, sec = 10 },--Your personal cooldown with the dealer

        Dealer = {
            name = 'New Dealers Name',--Dealers name
            model = 'a_m_m_eastsa_02',--Dealers ped model, model names can be found @
            pos = vec3(1515.5446, -2137.5049, 75.7),--Dealers positions
            heading = 172.1174,--Dealers heading
            animation = {--This controls dealer animation, if you don't want this, make it to: animation = false
                --Supported anim data format:
                    -- anim = ''
                    -- dict = ''
                    -- scenario = ''
                    -- anim = 'missexile3'
                    -- dict = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael'
                scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING'

        AvailableVehicleClasses = {
            ['B'] = 0,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['A'] = 40,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['S'] = 70,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required

        RequiredItems = {--Items that are required to get a new job, if you don't need this feature just set it to: RequiredItems = false
            ['WEAPON_DIGISCANNER'] = 1,--[item name] = amount

        RequiredRep = {
            ["basic"] = 0,--How much reputation level you need have with this dealer so basic dealer becomes available           

Adding it to the other dealers

To add your new dealer to the resource just put it in the Config.Dealers like the example below.

Config.Dealers = {
    ["newdealername"] = {
        GlobalCooldown = { min = 20, sec = 5 },--Dealers cooldown
        PersonalCooldown = { min = 25, sec = 10 },--Your personal cooldown with the dealer

        Dealer = {
            name = 'New Dealers Name',--Dealers name
            model = 'a_m_m_eastsa_02',--Dealers ped model, model names can be found @
            pos = vec3(1515.5446, -2137.5049, 75.7),--Dealers positions
            heading = 172.1174,--Dealers heading
            animation = {--This controls dealer animation, if you don't want this, make it to: animation = false
                --Supported anim data format:
                    -- anim = ''
                    -- dict = ''
                    -- scenario = ''
                    -- anim = 'missexile3'
                    -- dict = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael'
                scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING'

        AvailableVehicleClasses = {
            ['B'] = 0,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['A'] = 40,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required
            ['S'] = 70,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of vehicle class, ['vehicle class name'] = min rep required

        RequiredItems = {--Items that are required to get a new job, if you don't need this feature just set it to: RequiredItems = false
            ['WEAPON_DIGISCANNER'] = 1,--[item name] = amount

        RequiredRep = {
            ["basic"] = 0,--How much reputation level you need have with this dealer so basic dealer becomes available           
    ["basic"] = {
        GlobalCooldown = { min = 20, sec = 5 },--Dealers cooldown
        PersonalCooldown = { min = 25, sec = 10 },--Your personal cooldown with the dealer

        Dealer = {
            name = 'Basic dealer',--Dealers name
            model = 'a_m_m_eastsa_02',--Dealers ped model, model names can be found @
            pos = vec3(1515.5446, -2137.5049, 75.7),--Dealers positions
            heading = 172.1174,--Dealers heading
            animation = {--This controls dealer animation, if you don't want this, make it to: animation = false
                --Supported anim data format:
                    -- anim = ''
                    -- dict = ''
                    -- scenario = ''
                    -- anim = 'missexile3'
                    -- dict = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael'
                scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING'

        AvailableHouses = {
            ['trailer'] = 0,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of houses, ['shel type name'] = min rep required
            ['small'] = 10,--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of houses, ['shel type name'] = min rep required
            ['medium'] = 20--Minimum reputation level required to get this type of houses, ['shel type name'] = min rep required

        RequiredRep = {
            ["warehouse"] = 0,--How much reputation level you need have with this dealer so basic dealer becomes available  
            ["exclusive"] = 0,--How much reputation level you need have with this dealer so basic dealer becomes available             
     -- Other Dealers after this   

Dealer Reputation

This file can be located in peuren_chopshop\shared\sh_main.lua.

Config.Reputation = {
    DecreaseCooldown = { --Set to false if disabled
        minRep = 15, --The amount of rep required for the dealer for the personal cooldown to be lowered
        cooldownMultiplier = 1 --How much to lower to personal cooldown in percentage (Calculated by (Dealer Rep - Min Rep) * multiplier)
    GainPerAction = { min = 2, max = 5 }, --Amount of reputation you get after completing the job
    DecreaseOnFail = { min = 1, max = 3 }, --Amount of reputation you lose after failing the job
    LoseOverTime = { minHours = 48, amount = 1 } --How much hours required to pass before you start losing reputation. Amount = the amount of reputation lost each hour. --  -Use false to disable

Dealer Tasks

This file can be located in peuren_chopshop\shared\sh_tasks.lua.

Config.Tasks = {
    --Basic dealer reputation tasks
    ['basic'] = {
        ['get_meth'] = {--['your task name id'] = {}
            Type = 'item',--Task type, supported types are minigame and item
            Item = 'meth',--Item that is needed
            Amount = 10,--Item amount that is needed
            Rewards = {
                money = { 
                    chance = 50, 
                    account = 'cash', 
                    amount = { min = 100, max = 3000 } 

                items = { 
                    --{ name = item spawn name, min = min amount, max = max amount, chance = the chance from 0-100 of getting this item },
                    { name = 'WEAPON_DIGISCANNER', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 100},

                reputation = {--When a task is completed how much rep levels should be given to a player, min and max
                    min = 1,
                    max = 3,

            Penalty = {--If a task is not finished or canceled, how much rep levels should a player loose, min and max
                min = 1,
                max = 2,
        ['hacking_five'] = { --['your task name id'] = {}
            Type = 'minigame',--Task type, supported types are minigame and item
            Minigame = 'hacking',--Minigame type, supported minigame name types are disassemble and hacking
            Count = 3,--How many successfull minigames should a player do to complete this task
            Rewards = {
                money = { 
                    chance = 50, 
                    account = 'cash', 
                    amount = { min = 50, max = 2000 } 

                items = { 
                    --{ name = item spawn name, min = min amount, max = max amount, chance = the chance from 0-100 of getting this item },
                    { name = 'WEAPON_DIGISCANNER', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 100},

                reputation = {--When a task is completed how much rep levels should be given to a player, min and max
                    min = 1,
                    max = 3,
            Penalty = {--If a task is not finished or canceled, how much rep levels should a player loose, min and max
                min = 1,
                max = 2,

        ['disassemble_five'] = { 
            Type = 'minigame',--Task type, supported types are minigame and item
            Minigame = 'disassemble',--Minigame type, supported minigame name types are disassemble and hacking
            Count = 3,--How many successfull minigames should a player do to complete this task
            Rewards = {
                money = { 
                    chance = 50, 
                    account = 'cash', 
                    amount = { min = 50, max = 2000 } 

                items = { 
                    --{ name = item spawn name, min = min amount, max = max amount, chance = the chance from 0-100 of getting this item },
                    { name = 'WEAPON_DIGISCANNER', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 100},

                reputation = {--When a task is completed how much rep levels should be given to a player, min and max
                    min = 1,
                    max = 3,
            Penalty = {--If a task is not finished or canceled, how much rep levels should a player loose, min and max
                min = 1,
                max = 2,

You can edit the pre-configured tasks or add new tasks by following the examples

Last updated