Job center
Job center ped, blip, vehicle spawns and package spawns
This file can be located in peuren_farmerjob/shared/sh_main.lua.
Config.Center = {
ped = {
model = 's_m_y_construct_01',--Dealers ped model, model names can be found @
pos = vector3(1966.92, 4634.44, 41.1),--Dealers positions
heading = 35.98,--Dealers heading
animation = {--This controls dealer animation, if you don't want this, make it to: animation = false
--Supported anim data format:
-- anim = ''
-- dict = ''
-- scenario = ''
-- anim = 'missexile3'
-- dict = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael'
Vehicle = {
model = 'TipTruck',
extras = {
[2] = true
cargo = {
areaSize = vec3(1.5, 3, 1.0),
spacing = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.17),
offsetPos = vec3(0.8, 3.0, 0.7),
trunkBones = {
-- [door id, rage is 0 - 5] = bone name
[2] = 'dside_r',
[3] = 'pside_r'
Spawns = {
{ pos = vector3(1961.04, 4643.3, 40.76), heading = 113.45 },
{ pos = vector3(1941.4, 4643.01, 40.65), heading = 271.89 },
{ pos = vector3(1973.22, 4639.16, 40.93),heading = 32.37 },
{ pos = vector3(1972.14, 4648.17, 40.99), heading = 331.13 },
Last updated