Guide for editing the ranks that are available in the resource
This file can be located in peuren_minerjob/shared/sh_main.lua.
You can edit the pre-configured rank levels or add your new rank levels by following the examples.
Config.Ranks = {--Don't touch this
Levels = {--Don't touch this
[1] = {--Rank level id
level = 1,
minXP = 0,--minimum needed xp to unlock this level
tool = {
name = 'hammer',
item = 'hammer',
title = "Hammmer",
description = "A very good hammer",
price = 100,
[2] = {--Rank level id
level = 2,
minXP = 50,--minimum needed xp to unlock this level
tool = {
name = 'pickaxe',
item = 'pickaxe',
title = "Pickaxe",
description = "A very good pickaxe",
price = 100,
[3] = {--Rank level id
level = 3,
minXP = 1000,--minimum needed xp to unlock this level
tool = {
name = 'drill',
item = 'drill',
title = "Drill",
description = "A very good drill",
price = 100,
[4] = {--Rank level id
level = 4,
minXP = 1000,--minimum needed xp to unlock this level
tool = {
name = 'laser_drill',
item = 'laser_drill',
title = "Laser drill",
description = "A very good laser drill",
price = 100,
This file can be located in peuren_minerjob/shared/sh_jobs.lua
Config.Job = {
CooldownRock = { min = 1, sec = 30 },
Payout = {--This is the rewards that the player receive when he completly ends the job
account = 'bank',
groupMultiplier = true,
Rocks = {--Rewards for each mined rocks
money = { min = 10, max = 20 },
rankXP = { min = 10, max = 20 },
Ores = {--Rewards for each cutted ore
money = { min = 10, max = 20 },
rankXP = { min = 10, max = 20 },