Guide for editing the pawnshop functionality.
This file can be located in peuren_burglary\shared\sh_main.lua.
You can edit the pre-configured items and options or add new items by following the example.
All current market rates and data can be found in peuren_burglary\pawnshop.json file.
Config.PawnShop = {
["basic"] = {--Basic dealer pawnshop
Reputation = { --How much to lower the price for the items that they're buying or increase the price for the items that they're selling. Use false to disable
minRep = 3, --Minimum reputation required.
multiplier = 1 --How much to change the price in percentage. Final Price = actual price +- actual price * ((reputation - minimumReputation) * multiplier / 100)
Market = {
SaleAge = 86400, --In seconds. How long sales affect the item prices.
MarketCycle = 600,--In seconds. How frequently item prices are updated.
PriceChangeFactor = 0.5, --Intesnity of the price fluctuations.
Buy = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", price = item price },
{ name = "house_hacking_device", price = 600 },
Sell = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", min = item min price, max = item max price },
{ name = "ring", min = 800, max = 1000 },
{ name = "bracelet", min = 1500, max = 2000 },
{ name = "watch", min = 4000, max = 4500 },
{ name = "monitor", min = 400, max = 600 },
{ name = "ring", min = 800, max = 1000 },
{ name = "keyboard", min = 50, max = 150 },
{ name = "stolenmicrowave", min = 50, max = 100 },
{ name = "laptop", min = 500, max = 800 },
{ name = "bong", min = 50, max = 100 },
{ name = "stolentv", min = 200, max = 400 },
{ name = "rolex", min = 200, max = 300 },
{ name = "stolenmusic", min = 80, max = 120 },
{ name = "necklace", min = 250, max = 450 },
{ name = "camera", min = 200, max = 350 },
{ name = "trophy", min = 5, max = 10 },
{ name = "gold_chain", min = 150, max = 200 },
{ name = "psp", min = 100, max = 150 },
{ name = "stolencoffee", min = 100, max = 200 },
{ name = "radio", min = 10, max = 50 },
{ name = "matryoshka", min = 2, max = 5 },
{ name = "phone", min = 200, max = 250 },
{ name = "goldbar", min = 2000, max = 2500 },
{ name = "ruby_necklace", min = 8000, max = 8500 },
{ name = "pogo", min = 10, max = 50 },
{ name = "panther", min = 10, max = 50 },
["warehouse"] = {--Warehouse dealer pawnshop
Reputation = { --How much to lower the price for the items that they're buying or increase the price for the items that they're selling. Use false to disable
minRep = 30, --Minimum reputation required.
multiplier = 1 --How much to change the price in percentage. Final Price = actual price +- actual price * ((reputation - minimumReputation) * multiplier / 100)
Market = {
SaleAge = 86400, --In seconds. How long sales affect the item prices.
MarketCycle = 600,--In seconds. How frequently item prices are updated.
PriceChangeFactor = 0.5, --Intesnity of the price fluctuations.
Buy = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", price = item price },
{ name = "house_hacking_device", price = 500 },
Sell = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", min = item min price, max = item max price },
{ name = "ring", min = 1000, max = 1200 },
{ name = "bracelet", min = 1800, max = 2200 },
{ name = "watch", min = 4500, max = 5000 },
{ name = "monitor", min = 500, max = 700 },
{ name = "ring", min = 800, max = 1000 },
{ name = "keyboard", min = 80, max = 180 },
{ name = "stolenmicrowave", min = 80, max = 150 },
{ name = "laptop", min = 800, max = 1000 },
{ name = "bong", min = 80, max = 150 },
{ name = "stolentv", min = 400, max = 600 },
{ name = "rolex", min = 300, max = 400 },
{ name = "stolenmusic", min = 120, max = 150 },
{ name = "necklace", min = 450, max = 650 },
{ name = "camera", min = 300, max = 450 },
{ name = "trophy", min = 10, max = 20 },
{ name = "gold_chain", min = 250, max = 350 },
{ name = "psp", min = 150, max = 250 },
{ name = "stolencoffee", min = 150, max = 280 },
{ name = "radio", min = 40, max = 80 },
{ name = "matryoshka", min = 5, max = 10 },
{ name = "phone", min = 300, max = 350 },
{ name = "goldbar", min = 2500, max = 3000 },
{ name = "ruby_necklace", min = 9000, max = 9500 },
{ name = "pogo", min = 9000, max = 9500 },
{ name = "panther", min = 9000, max = 9500 },
["exclusive"] = {--Exclusive dealer pawnshop
Reputation = { --How much to lower the price for the items that they're buying or increase the price for the items that they're selling. Use false to disable
minRep = 60, --Minimum reputation required.
multiplier = 1 --How much to change the price in percentage. Final Price = actual price +- actual price * ((reputation - minimumReputation) * multiplier / 100)
Market = {
SaleAge = 86400, --In seconds. How long sales affect the item prices.
MarketCycle = 600,--In seconds. How frequently item prices are updated.
PriceChangeFactor = 0.5, --Intesnity of the price fluctuations.
Buy = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", price = item price },
{ name = "house_hacking_device", price = 400 },
Sell = {
-- {name = "item spawn name", min = item min price, max = item max price },
{ name = "ring", min = 1200, max = 1400 },
{ name = "bracelet", min = 2200, max = 2500 },
{ name = "watch", min = 5000, max = 5500 },
{ name = "monitor", min = 700, max = 800 },
{ name = "ring", min = 800, max = 1000 },
{ name = "keyboard", min = 100, max = 220 },
{ name = "stolenmicrowave", min = 150, max = 200 },
{ name = "laptop", min = 1000, max = 1200 },
{ name = "bong", min = 100, max = 180 },
{ name = "stolentv", min = 600, max = 800 },
{ name = "rolex", min = 400, max = 600 },
{ name = "stolenmusic", min = 200, max = 300 },
{ name = "necklace", min = 650, max = 850 },
{ name = "camera", min = 400, max = 560 },
{ name = "trophy", min = 15, max = 25 },
{ name = "gold_chain", min = 350, max = 450 },
{ name = "psp", min = 250, max = 320 },
{ name = "stolencoffee", min = 200, max = 320 },
{ name = "radio", min = 60, max = 120 },
{ name = "matryoshka", min = 10, max = 15 },
{ name = "phone", min = 400, max = 450 },
{ name = "goldbar", min = 3200, max = 3500 },
{ name = "ruby_necklace", min = 9500, max = 10500 },
{ name = "pogo", min = 9500, max = 10500 },
{ name = "panther", min = 9500, max = 10500 },
Last updated