Collection job
Trash models and carrying offset positions in hands
This file can be located in peuren_garbagejob/shared/sh_locations.lua.
--All supported trash models and their carrying animation offsets and rotations
Config.TrashModels = {
['prop_dumpster_02a'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['prop_dumpster_01a'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['m23_2_prop_m32_dumpster_01a'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['prop_dumpster_02b'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['prop_cs_dumpster_01a'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['p_dumpster_t'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, 1.00, -1.0), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = "SKEL_Pelvis" },
['prop_bin_07d'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, -0.420, -1.290), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = 28422 },
['prop_bin_08a'] = { offset = vec3(0.0, -0.420, -1.290), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), bone = 28422 },
Job data and payouts
This file can be located in peuren_garbagejob/shared/sh_locations.lua.
Config.Job = {
rewards = {--Payout after doing the jobs
account = 'bank',
amount = { min = 10 , max = 30 } --Per picked up garbage, bag or container
zones = { min = 1, max = 3 },-- How many zones will have the player drive to collect garbage
stops = { min = 3, max = 5 },-- How many garbage pick ups will be in one zone
recycling = {--Recycling job
bags = { min = 5, max = 8 },--How many bags do player need to collect to be able to drive to the recycling center
bag = {---Trash bag carrying animation
model = "prop_cs_rub_binbag_01",
dict = 'missfbi4prepp1',
anim = '_bag_walk_garbage_man',
offset = vec3(0.12, 0.0, -0.05),
rot = vec3(220.0, 120.0, 0.0),
bone = 57005
Pick up zones and dumpster positions in zone
This file can be located in peuren_garbagejob/shared/sh_locations.lua.
--Garbage collection locations
Config.Locations = {
pos = vector3(436.15, -1921.08, 24.56),--Zone center
stops = {--Pick up locations in the zone
{ pos = vector4(426.89, -1924.62, 24.43, 227.78) },
{ pos = vector4(407.02, -1937.02, 23.9, 204.33) },
{ pos = vector4(519.35, -1885.79, 25.48, 31.06) },
{ pos = vector4(543.81, -1910.46, 24.98, 122.52) },
{ pos = vector4(380.27, -1980.92, 24.21, 257.39) },
{ pos = vector4(423.37, -1856.48, 27.37, 43.92) },
{ pos = vector4(470.62, -1855.97, 27.67, 132.43) },
pos = vector3(102.11, -1934.94, 20.8),--Zone center
stops = {--Pick up locations in the zone
{ pos = vector4(92.62, -1947.32, 20.79, 315.88) },
{ pos = vector4(114.1, -1953.81, 20.75, 31.65) },
{ pos = vector4(78.53, -1905.46, 21.49, 149.06) },
{ pos = vector4(95.52, -1846.68, 25.07, 220.54) },
{ pos = vector4(127.55, -1885.57, 23.55, 340.4) },
{ pos = vector4(195.68, -1893.91, 24.23, 144.52) },
{ pos = vector4(186.91, -1913.02, 22.68, 316.31) },
{ pos = vector4(245.95, -1954.24, 23.22, 322.34) },
pos = vector3(132.27, -250.47, 51.41),--Zone center
stops = {--Pick up locations in the zone
{ pos = vector4(132.0, -244.89, 51.47, 166.78) },
{ pos = vector4(72.24, -206.91, 54.49, 252.35) },
{ pos = vector4(144.11, -290.18, 46.3, 154.31) },
{ pos = vector4(130.69, -337.7, 44.97, 341.34) },
{ pos = vector4(214.05, -317.23, 44.26, 74.68) },
{ pos = vector4(231.56, -293.37, 49.65, 152.46) },
{ pos = vector4(201.43, -261.94, 51.25, 266.18) },
{ pos = vector4(203.89, -368.27, 44.21, 19.08) },
pos = vector3(-1298.93, -1113.05, 6.78),--Zone center
stops = {--Pick up locations in the zone
{ pos = vector4(-1291.37, -1108.27, 6.84, 99.59) },
{ pos = vector4(-1327.67, -1137.99, 4.32, 267.45) },
{ pos = vector4(-1320.87, -1163.83, 4.85, 94.98) },
{ pos = vector4(-1321.09, -1221.8, 4.73, 271.52) },
{ pos = vector4(-1344.4, -1211.64, 4.65, 1.74) },
{ pos = vector4(-1251.34, -1183.32, 6.88, 19.01) },
{ pos = vector4(-1246.87, -1158.32, 7.56, 217.06) },
{ pos = vector4(-1246.97, -1101.77, 8.15, 281.42) },
Last updated