Burner phone contacts
Burner phone contact configuration (sh_contacts.lua)
Phone contacts
Config.Contacts = {
['grovestreet'] = {
type = 'informant',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Peter Johnson', --Contact name
description = 'A police informant',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_m_soucent_01',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
params = {
servicePrice = 100,
serviceDuration = { min = 20, sec = 1 },
alertAboutJobs = {
['police'] = true,
['sheriff'] = true
territory = {--Territory zone points in which the informant will alert about police presence
vector2(1210.61, -316.67),
vector2(1004.55, -383.33),
vector2(831.82, -510.61),
vector2(889.39, -637.88),
vector2(1001.52, -759.09),
vector2(1159.09, -801.52),
vector2(1292.42, -719.70),
vector2(1398.48, -762.12),
vector2(1450.00, -616.67),
vector2(1465.15, -519.70),
vector2(1340.91, -383.33)
prompts = {
['pay'] = {
type = 'notification',
icon = 'fas fa-comment-dollar',
option = 'Pay informant',
message = 'Hey, I want to pay you',
params = {
enabled = false
['stop_notifications'] = {
type = 'notification',
icon = 'fas fa-bell-slash',
option = 'Stop notifications',
message = 'Hey, pause sending me notifications about the police activity',
params = {
enabled = false
['start_notifications'] = {
type = 'notification',
icon = 'fas fa-bell',
option = 'Start notifications',
message = 'Hey, continue sending me notifications about the police activity',
params = {
enabled = true
responses = {
['pay'] = {
message = 'Hey, meet me at this location with $%s',
['expired'] = {
message = 'Hey, you need to pay me again!',
['stop_notifications'] = {
message = 'Hey, sure, you won\'t receive notifications',
['start_notifications'] = {
message = 'Hey, sure, you will start receiving notifications',
['police_entered'] = {
message = 'Hey, be safe, police in the area',
['police_left'] = {
message = 'Hey, the police has left the area',
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
['no_money'] = {
message = 'Next time come with the agreed amount!',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
location = vector4(1357.71, -535.01, 73.77, 15.08)
['pavlik_selling'] = {
type = 'buyer',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Pavlik Jamal', --Contact name
description = 'Drug buyer',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_m_salton_02',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
waitToMeet = { min = 2, sec = 10 },--Max waiting time to meet the contact ped
looseRep = {--How many reputation levels will you loose if you don't meet the contact ped
type = 'street',
amount = 1,
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
prompts = {
['sell'] = {
type = 'sell',
icon = 'fas fa-cannabis',
option = 'Offer drugs to buy',
message = 'Hey, do you want %s %sx for $%s?',
params = {
acceptChance = 100,
drugs = {--Drugs that contact will buy
--[item name] = Drug min and max purchasing amounts
['meth_bag'] = { min = 1, max = 20 },
['cocaine_brick'] = { min = 1, max = 20 },
['phone'] = { min = 1, max = 20 }
responses = {
['sell'] = {
message = '',
params = {
accept = 'Hey, I\'m interested, come and meet me at this location',
decline = 'Hey, I\'m not interested'
['buy'] = {
message = 'Hey, Do you have %s for sale?',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 0, sec = 10},
chance = 100,
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
['no_items'] = {
message = 'Next time come with the agreed drugs!',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
locations = {--Locations where the contact appears when you need to meet him
vector4(-533.22, -2836.42, 6.0, 319.67),
vector4(1312.29, -763.71, 66.41, 295.54),
vector4(999.68, -1211.03, 25.29, 177.93),
vector4(980.9, -1383.86, 31.55, 25.22),
['avi_supplier'] = {
type = 'supplier',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Avi', --Contact name
description = 'Coke supplier',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_y_acult_02',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
waitToMeet = { min = 2, sec = 10 },--Max waiting time to meet the contact ped
looseRep = {--How many reputation levels will you loose if you don't meet the contact ped
type = 'street',
amount = 1,
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
prompts = {
['buy'] = {
type = 'buy',
icon = 'fas fa-cube',
option = 'Buy coke',
message = 'Hey, I want to buy %s keys of coke',
params = {
item = 'cocaine_brick',--Drug item
amount = { min = 2, max = 10 }
responses = {
['buy'] = {---Response to the prompt with the same type name
message = '',
params = {
accept = 'Hey, meet me at this location with $%s',
decline = 'Hey buddy, no can do'
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
['no_items'] = {
message = 'Next time come with the agreed amount!',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
locations = {--Locations where the contact appears when you need to meet him
vector4(1406.49, 1157.26, 114.44, 241.1),
vector4(228.13, 766.35, 204.78, 70.38),
vector4(-442.59, 1061.7, 327.68, 157.04),
vector4(-1777.87, -690.0, 16.97, 138.89),
['frank_oxy_supplier'] = {
type = 'oxy_supplier',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Frankie Devil', --Contact name
description = 'Oxy drug supplier',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_m_salton_02',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
waitToMeet = { min = 2, sec = 10 },--Max waiting time to meet the contact ped
looseRep = {--How many reputation levels will you loose if you don't meet the contact ped
type = 'street',
amount = 1,
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
prompts = {
['buy'] = {
type = 'buy',
icon = 'fas fa-pills',
option = 'Buy oxy',
message = 'Hey, I want to buy %s bottles of oxy',
params = {
acceptChance = 100,
drugs = {--Drugs that contact will buy
--[item name] = Drug min and max purchasing amounts
['meth_bag'] = { min = 1, max = 20 },
['cocaine_brick'] = { min = 1, max = 20 },
['phone'] = { min = 1, max = 20 }
responses = {
['buy'] = {---Response to the prompt with the same type name
message = 'Hey, come to this location and leave $%s in the bag',
['pickup'] = {
message = 'Hey, come to this location and take the oxy',
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
['mac_weed_supplier'] = {
type = 'supplier',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Malcolm James', --Contact name
description = 'Weed supplier',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_y_vindouche_01',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
waitToMeet = { min = 2, sec = 10 },--Max waiting time to meet the contact ped
looseRep = {--How many reputation levels will you loose if you don't meet the contact ped
type = 'street',
amount = 1,
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
prompts = {
['buy'] = {
type = 'buy',
icon = 'fas fa-cannabis',
option = 'Buy weed',
message = 'Hey, I want to buy %s bricks of weed',
params = {
item = 'white_widow_brick',--Drug item
amount = { min = 2, max = 10 }
responses = {
['buy'] = {---Response to the prompt with the same type name
message = '',
params = {
accept = 'Hey, meet me at this location with $%s',
decline = 'Hey buddy, no can do'
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
locations = {--Locations where the contact appears when you need to meet him
vector4(-1242.62, -1208.64, 8.27, 108.28),
vector4(-607.08, -1636.38, 25.97, 156.92),
vector4(-202.8, -1706.6, 32.66, 177.07),
vector4(171.46, -1871.32, 24.4, 102.61)
['saul_moneywash'] = {
type = 'moneywash',--Contact type, informant, business, drugs
name = 'Saul Badman', --Contact name
description = 'Money washing specialist',--Contact description
ped = 'a_m_y_vindouche_01',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
waitToMeet = { min = 2, sec = 10 },--Max waiting time to meet the contact ped
looseRep = {--How many reputation levels will you loose if you don't meet the contact ped
type = 'street',
amount = 1,
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
params = {
washingInterval = 1000,--Washing interval in miliseconds
washingRate = 1,--Washing rate procentage
washingFee = 10,--How much money for the wash will the contact take
prompts = {
['wash'] = {
type = 'wash',
icon = 'fas fa-money-bill-1',
option = 'Wash money',
message = 'Hey, I want to wash $%s',
params = {
responses = {
['wash'] = {---Response to the prompt with the same type name
message = '',
params = {
accept = 'Hey, come to this location with the money',
decline = 'Hey, I still have your other money from earlier'
['washed'] = {
message = 'Hey, come pick up your clean money',
['finished'] = {
message = 'Pleasure doing business 🤝',
params = {
cooldown = { min = 1, sec = 10 }
locations = {--Locations where the contact appears when you need to meet him
vector4(252.62, -1595.06, 31.53, 319.78),
vector4(451.75, -1494.03, 29.29, 115.93),
vector4(479.12, -107.04, 63.16, 160.59),
vector4(527.28, -158.83, 57.09, 83.16),
Adding new contact
['new_contact_name'] = {
type = '',--Contact types: informant, supplier, moneywash, buyer, ox_suplier
name = 'Your new contact name', --Contact name
description = 'Your new contact description',--Contact description
ped = 'ped_model_name',--Contact ped model name
chanceToGet = 100,--Chance 0-100 of getting this contact
requiredRep = {--Required reputation to unlock the contact
type = 'street',
level = 2
params = {},--Arguments
prompts = {
['message_prompt_name'] = {
type = '',--message prompt type
icon = 'fas fa-comment-dollar',--Message prompt icon
option = '',--Message prompt option label
message = '',---Prompt message text
params = {},--Arguments
responses = {
['message_prompt_name'] = {---Response to the prompt with the same type name
message = '',--Response message text
params = {},--Arguments
Last updated