Drug selling configuration (sh_selling.lua)
Lose reputation on
--Remove rep levels when done something wrong
Config.Selling.LooseRepOn = {
killedCustomer = 2,
customerWait = 2,
leftSellingRadius = 2
Peuren_gangs add influence when selling
Config.Selling.AddZoneInfluence = { min = 1, max = 2 }--Adds gang influence to a zone in which player is sellling (peuren_gangs)
Darkchat messages
---DarkChat messages
Config.Selling.Messages = {
send = {
['corner_selling'] = {
start = 'Hey, I\'m, selling some good stuff, come to this location!',
stop = 'Hey, out of goods, see you next time',
['dropoff'] = {
start = 'Hey, I\'m, selling some good stuff, who wants some?!',
stop = 'Hey, out of goods, see you next time',
responses = {
['corner_selling'] = {
'Yo brosky, I want some, coming!',
'fire, COMING!!!!',
'Hell yeah, be in a minute',
['dropoff'] = {
'Hey, I need some, come to this location',
'Yoo, bring it to this location',
'Sickkkk, meet me at this location',
Basic values
Config.Selling.Radius = 50--When started selling, the radius in which the players must stay to wait for clients
Config.Selling.CustomerWait = { min = 10, sec = 10 }--How long the customers will wait before leaving if not interacted with them
Config.Selling.NewCustomerWait = { min = 0, sec = 1 }--How long the player has to wait before getting a new customer
Config.Selling.NegotiationProgress = 10000--Negotiation progress bar time in ms
Config.Selling.TakingBackProgress = 10000--Taking back stolen drug progress bar time in ms
Config.Selling.FailedNegotiationAttempts = { min = 2, max = 3 }--Failed negotiation attemps
Customer peds
---Csutomer peds
Config.Selling.Peds = {
'a_m_y_beach_01', 'a_m_y_jetski_01', 'a_m_y_polynesian_01'
Customer vehicles
--Customer vehicles
Config.Selling.Vehicles = {
"sultan", 'dilettante2', 'rhinehart', 'sabregt', 'baller8', 'patriot', 'sugoi', 'peyote2', 'voodoo2',
Desirable drug selling territories
--Territories in which the drugs are more desirable
Config.Selling.Territories = {
['industrial'] = {
drugs = {---Drug price multipliers
['cocaine'] = 0.1
points = {--polyzone points | You can use this tool:, to create zones easier.
vector3(1134.73, -2512.45, 33.21),
vector3(1143.11, -2510.45, 33.3),
vector3(1145.14, -2519.39, 33.38),
vector3(1135.01, -2523.54, 33.16)
Drug delivery locations to customers
---Drug selling delivery customer locations
Config.Selling.DropOffLocations = {
vector4(463.85, -1851.9, 27.81, 350.93),
vector3(1570.36, -2136.53, 77.65),
vector3(1322.71, -1699.66, 57.84),
vector3(1258.91, -1760.11, 49.26),
vector3(487.29, -1349.34, 29.24),
vector3(190.23, -1240.22, 29.2),
vector3(-760.27, -639.88, 30.22),
vector3(-128.1, -1779.43, 29.82),
vector3(9.15, -1839.35, 24.67),
vector3(74.24, -1939.18, 20.99),
Drug street prices
---Drugs prices per one drug item
Config.Selling.DrugPrices = {
['white_widow_brick'] = { min = 20, max = 50 },
['white_widow_joint'] = { min = 10, max = 30 },
['cocaine_brick'] = { min = 100, max = 200 },
['drug_brick_foil'] = { min = 10, max = 40 },
['white_widow_bud'] = { min = 10, max = 30 },
["hite_widow_bud"] = { min = 10, max = 30 },
['white_widow'] = { min = 10, max = 30 },
['meth_bag'] = { min = 50, max = 100 },
['cocaine'] = { min = 50, max = 100 },
['crack'] = { min = 10, max = 50 },
['oxy'] = { min = 10, max = 50 },
Last updated