Guide for editing the skills that are available in the resource
Config.Skill = { --Don't touch this
Levels = { --Don't touch this
[1] = { --Level Number (Don't change the first levels number)
minXP = 0, -- Required XP for the level (Don't change the first levels required XP)
maxWeight = 5000, -- Max weight of the fish that a player can handle. If the fish is heavier he might lose the rod.
loseRodChance = 30, -- Chance of the player losing the rod if the fish is heavier than he can handle.
minigame = { -- Difficulty of the minigame
breakLine = 50,
[2] = { --Level Number
minXP = 50, -- Required XP for the level
maxWeight = 10000, -- Max weight of the fish that a player can handle. If the fish is heavier he might lose the rod.
loseRodChance = 40, -- Chance of the player losing the rod if the fish is heavier than he can handle.
minigame = { -- Difficulty of the minigame
breakLine = 30,
Gain = { -- The amount of XP given after a succesfully catching a fish
min = 5,
max = 10
Loss = { -- The amount of XP removed after failing to catch the fish
min = 2,
max = 3,
Last updated