Cocaine & Crack
Cocaine and crack cocaine making configurations (sh_cocaine.lua)
Disabling/Enabling cocaine system
Config.Cocaine.Enabled = true -- Enable or disable the cocaine system
Cocaine items
Config.Cocaine.Items = { --Items used in cocaine manufacturing, you can change the items to adapt them to your server.
barrel = "cocaine_barrel",
coco_batch = "coco_leaves_batch",
gasoline = "gasoline",
cocaine_alkaloid = "cocaine_alkaloid",
ammonia = "ammonia",
cocaine_base = "cocaine_base",
cocaine_paste = "cocaine_paste",
acetone = "acetone",
hydrochloric_acid = "hydrochloric_acid",
cocaine_hydrochloride = "cocaine_hydrochloride",
wet_brick = "wet_cocaine_brick",
cocaine_brick = "cocaine_brick",
cocaine = "cocaine",
baking_soda = "baking_soda",
water = "water_bottle",
crack_oil = "crack_oil",
filter = "cocaine_filter",
crack_rocks = "crack_rocks",
crack = "crack"
Cocaine making stages
Config.Cocaine.Stages = {
--First Stage: Place Coco Leaves Batch and Gasoline in the Barrel to get the Cocaine Alkanoid
["alkanoid"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "coco_leaves_batch", amount = 1 },
{item = "gasoline", amount = 2}
timeToProduce = 100, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "cocaine_alkaloid", amount = 1}
--Second Stage: Place Cocaine Alkaloid and Ammonia in the Barrel to get the Cocaine Base
["base"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "cocaine_alkaloid", amount = 1 },
{ item = "ammonia", amount = 1 }
timeToProduce = 100, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "cocaine_base", amount = 1 }
--Third Stage: Use the Filter item to filter the Cocaine Base into a Wet Cocaine Paste
["filter"] = {
usageItem = "filter", --Item that will be used to start this step
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "cocaine_base", amount = 1 },
{ item = "filter", amount = 1, dontRemove = true }
timeToProduce = 10, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "cocaine_paste", amount = 1 }
--Fourth Stage: Boil the Cocaine Paste with Acetone and Hydrochloric Acid to receive Cocaine Hydrochloride
["boiling"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "cocaine_paste", amount = 1 },
{ item = "acetone", amount = 2 },
{ item = "hydrochloric_acid", amount = 1 },
timeToProduce = 90, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds (THIS IS WITH LEVEL 0 BOILER, IF UPGRADED IT TAKES THE VALUES FROM UPGRADE CONFIG)
timeToFail = 1, --How long after the initial timer is finished to fail the task. The batch will be destroyed, set to false to disable failing.
toxicFumes = true, --Should toxic fumes appear when boiling the paste?
explodeOnFail = true, --Should an explosion happen if it fails?
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "cocaine_hydrochloride", amount = 1 }
--Fifth Stage: Press the Cocaine Hydrochloride into a Cocaine Brick
["press"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "cocaine_hydrochloride", amount = 1 },
timeToProduce = 100, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds. The animation runs for: , it's the recommended time.
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "wet_cocaine_brick", amount = 1 }
--Sixt Stage: Dry the Web Cocaine Brick in the Microwave to finally receive the finished Cocaine Brick
["microwave"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "wet_cocaine_brick", amount = 1 },
timeToProduce = 100, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds (THIS IS WITH LEVEL 0 MICROWAVE, IF UPGRADED IT TAKES THE VALUES FROM UPGRADE CONFIG)
timeToFail = 50, --How long after the initial timer is finished to fail the task. The batch will be destroyed, set to false to disable failing.
explodeOnFail = true, --Should an explosion happen if it fails?
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "cocaine", amount = 25 }
Disabling/Enabling crack system
Config.Crack.Enabled = true -- Enable or disable the crack system
Crack items
Config.Crack.Items = { --Items used in crack manufacturing, you can change the items to adapt them to your server.
cocaine = "cocaine",
water = "water_bottle",
baking_soda = "baking_soda",
crack_filter = "crack_filter",
Crack making stages
Config.Crack.Stages = {
["boil"] = {
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "cocaine", amount = 10 },
{ item = "water_bottle", amount = 1 },
{ item = "baking_soda", amount = 1 }
timeToProduce = 100, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
timeToFail = 10, --How long after the initial timer is finished to fail the task. The batch will be destroyed, set to false to disable failing.
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "crack_oil", amount = 1 }
["filter"] = {
usageItem = "crack_filter",
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "crack_oil", amount = 1 },
{ item = "filter", amount = 1, dontRemove = true }
timeToProduce = 30, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "crack_rocks", amount = 10 }
["smash"] = {
usageItem = "crack_rocks",
requiredItems = { --Items required for the step
{ item = "crack_rocks", amount = 1 },
timeToProduce = 10, --Time it takes for the step to complete in seconds
rewardItems = { --Items received from the step
{ item = "crack", amount = 2 }
Last updated